The majority of the population continuously struggle in their day-to-day job, trying to make ends meet every month, leaving little to no cash in their wallets. It’s a “rat race,” as financial experts would define, and the only way to …
How your Health-Wealth Relationship affects happiness
Balancing health and wealth is never an easy task. Most of the time, people prioritise one more than the other, while some people can balance both in a mutually beneficial relationship.
It is essential to understand that health and wealth …
7 of the best side hustles for busy professionals
Time is money, and money is energy. Everybody has a similar measure of time, yet the distinction lies in how well you use it. While it might seem insane to add more responsibilities and cut into your leisure time, beginning …
Why you should harness the power of generosity
Kindness flows from a long lineage, passed down from generation to generation, birth to different civilizations. History always highlights passages about wars, plagues, and scientific explorations, although there is more than just the dark and revolutionary past.
A much brighter …
As a teacher, how can you reach early retirement?
Today we are focusing on the actions you can take to retire early. Carly, a teacher from the South East of England, would like to tell us about her journey to FIRE’ing early. The information in this article relates to …